parents helping kids with wildlife observation and tracking

Bird-watching is a fun and easy activity you and your family can do anywhere: in your backyard, on your way to the bus stop, or at a large national or state forest.


When you’re starting out, your eyes and ears are the only equipment you’ll need.


Try to get as quiet as possible and, with a little patience, the birds will come to you.


Now watch how they move. Are they eating? Resting? Interacting with other birds?


What are their songs like? Are their chirps sharp and aggressive? They may be defending their territory. Are they more gentle and melodious? They may be trying to attract a mate.


When you get home try looking up an online bird guide to try and identify the birds you saw.

Want to see places nearby where
you can start Bird-Watching?
Enter your location.

Make your own binoculars

Making a set of DIY binoculars can be a fun, easy project. Just cut a cardboard paper towel tube in half, tape the two halves together, and decorate. You can also make a pair of portable binoculars with your own hands.

Find a good bird-watching spot

Look for a place where two habitats meet, like the bank of a stream or edge of a forest. Which birds seem to be year-round “locals”? Are their songs different at different times of day? Start logging all of the birds you see and watch how your list grows over time.

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