
2020 Corporate Week of Service

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Each year, we look forward to spending a day caring for the Trinity River with our corporate partners on Corporate Day of Service. This year, however, with our in-person programs on pause due to public health concerns, we are launching Corporate Week of Service presented by TXU Energy from September 25 through October 2. We are inviting corporations to pledge to spend time caring for the Trinity River and neighborhoods throughout Dallas-Fort Worth through a variety of virtual and small-group activities.

This year will look different, but we can still make a positive impact on green spaces in Dallas and the water quality of the Trinity River with our families and members of our households.

Help reduce the amount of trash entering our waterways and help keep our city clean and green by doing one (or all!) of the following:

Virtual Trash Bash

Go Green at Home

  • go through household waste and sort out what can be recycled or composted
  • build a rain barrel
  • start a garden

Report your results and share photos once you’ve completed your Corporate Week of Service actions by tagging @trinityparkconservancy on Facebook/Instagram or @trinityparkc on Twitter and using the hashtag #TrinityRiverCWOS.

This year we continue our tradition of friendly competition between participating corporations! Stay tuned for announcements about competitions for the most participants, most trash collected, and more!

By working together we can protect our river ecosystems and work towards fulfilling the promise of the Trinity River as the natural gathering place for Dallas. So far in 2020, Trinity Park Volunteers have collected 1,000 lbs of trash in the neighborhoods, local parks and trails, or the Trinity River all across Dallas-Fort Worth through our virtual volunteer activities.

Thank you for staying connected to the Trinity River and to each other during these unprecedented times.

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